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Benefit Plan FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions 

CCHP providers all medically necessary services under BadgerCare Plus.

For a list of covered services, please review the CCHP Member Handbook or the Benefit and Copayment Grid. Covered services for Care4Kids can be in the C4K Member Handbook.

Your pharmacy benefits are covered by the State of Wisconsin, not CCHP. To fill your prescription, take it to any pharmacy that is a provider for BadgerCare Plus and show your ForwardHealth ID card to the pharmacist.

For questions about filling a prescription, call ForwardHealth Member Services at 1-800-362-3002.

Some services require you to pay a part of the cost of a service. This payment is called a “copayment.” For a list of covered services and any copayments, please review the CCHP Member Handbook or the Benefit and Copayment Grid.

If your child is covered under the Care4Kids program, please review the C4K Member Handbook.

You can find a provider in our provider directory. You can also call Customer Services at 1-800-482-8010.

CCHP encourages you to have primary care provider to help manage all of your health care needs. You can choose a primary care provider from our provider directory or by calling Customer Service at 1-800-482-8010. If you have not met with your primary care provider recently, it’s best to schedule an appointment as soon as possible.

Your primary care provider helps you coordinate all of your health care needs. If you need to see a specialist, a behavioral health provider or go to the hospital, your primary care provider can help you find one of our many network specialists or hospitals.

No, a referral is not needed to see a specialist. Your primary care provider (PCP) can help you coordinate an appointment if needed.

For some services your primary care provider may need to get insurance approval (prior authorization) before you can get services. You can talk to your PCP about whether a service needs a prior authorization. You can also call Customer Service at 1-800-482-8010 for questions or you can view the prior authorization list of services on the CCHP website.

We require our members to use CCHP network providers for covered benefits and services. You will need special permission from CCHP to see any provider who is not a CCHP provider. If you see a provider who is not with CCHP, you will be billed for those services.

If you disagree with your provider’s treatment recommendations, you may be able to get a second medical opinion. A second medical opinion on recommended surgeries may be appropriate in some cases. Contact Customer Service at 1-800-482-8010 for information.

If you are billed for covered services, you can send the claim to: Chorus Community Health Plans P.O. Box 56099 Madison, WI 53705

Call your provider’s office or call our 24/7 nurseline CCHP on Call at 1-877-257-5861. They will help you decide where to go for help.

If you need emergency care, go to a CCHP provider if you can. If the emergency is severe, go to the nearest hospital, provider or clinic. Call 911 or your local police or fire department if the emergency is life-threatening.

If you need emergency care when you are away from home, go to the nearest hospital, urgent care clinic or provider. For routine care away from home, you must get approval from CCHP to see a provider that is not in the CCHP network. This includes children who are spending time away from home with a parent or relative. For help with out-of-area services, call Customer Service at 1-800-482-8010 or an enrollment specialist at 1-800-291-2002.

If your child is covered under the Care4Kids program, please contact the Care4Kids team.

If you are not satisfied us or provider, you can call a CCHP Member Advocate at 1-800-482-8010 to file a complaint or you can send your written complaint to:

Chorus Community Health Plans
Attention: Complaint and Appeals Department
P.O. Box 1997, MS6280
Milwaukee, WI, 53201-1997

You can also file a complaint the State of Wisconsin. For more information how to file a complaint, please refer to the CCHP Member Handbook.

You or your authorized representative can appeal a decision within 90 days of our decision. To file an appeal, you can call a Member Advocate at 1-800-482-8010 or you can send a written appeal to:

Chorus Community Health Plans
Attention: Complaint and Appeals Department
P.O. Box 1997, MS 6280
Milwaukee, WI, 53201-1997

For more information how to file an appeal and your appeals rights, please refer to the CCHP Member Handbook or call a CCHP Member Advocate.

If your child is covered under the Care4Kid program, please review the C4K Member Handbook for information on how to file an appeal or call a CCHP Member Advocate.

CCHP only provides services that are covered by BadgerCare Plus. The State of Wisconsin is always reviewing new technology as it becomes available and will let us know if the services will be covered.

Call ForwardHealth Member Services at 1-800-362-3002 for a new ID card or go to