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Contact Us

We want to hear from you

Have a question, recommendation or need help? We have you covered. Fill out the short form below and we look forward to connecting with you soon. To protect your privacy, we cannot provide member-specific information through this contact form.

Select One
Member ID examples

Not sure what plan coverage you have?

We know insurance is confusing and are happy to answer questions so you can understand your coverage better.

Here's a great place to start. Please follow these steps below:

1. Look at your Member ID card to identify your coverage type

  • If you have a ForwardHealth member ID card like the example shown here, you have Wisconsin BadgerCare Plus Medicaid insurance. For questions about your Wisconsin healthcare coverage you can call 1-800-362-3002.
  • If you have a Chorus Community Health Plans member ID card like the example shown here, you have an individual or family plan through CCHP. For questions about your coverage or other customer service related questions call the number located on this card.

2. Now that you know the type of coverage you have, click from the below list to find contact information for our teams ready to help you.

Please click the box below that best describes you:

Our Customer Service team is available Monday through Friday 8am – 5pm CST and can be reached by calling 1-800-482-8010.

Customer Service representatives can help:

  • Select or change your primary care provider
  • Offer translation services
  • Answer questions about your coverage
  • Provide resources and information about mental health, alcohol and other drug abuse services
  • You can also call Wisconsin Relay at 7-1-1

We also have a team of dedicated Member Advocates available Monday through Friday 8am – 5 pm that can be reached by calling 1-877-900-2247 or email

For eligibility purposes and a timely response from our team, please be sure to include your name, date of birth, and member ID in your email message.

Member Advocates can help:

  • Answer questions and concerns related to accessing health care
  • Assist you with finding in-network providers, schedule appointments, find transportation and other resources
  • Make sure you have appropriate care and information about health management programs and free benefits available through CCHP

Our Customer Service team is available, Monday through Friday 8am – 6pm CST, Saturday 8am – 2pm and can be reached by calling 1-844-201-4672.

Customer Service representatives can help answer questions about:

  • Paying your bill
  • What prescriptions are covered
  • Finding providers in network
  • Provide information on services that may require prior authorization

We also have a dedicated Sales Team available Monday through Friday 8am – 4:30pm CST by calling 1-844-708-3837 or email at

Our Sales Team can help answer questions about:

  • Enrollment and how to enroll
  • Finding an agent to assist you
  • Finding a plan that is right for you

We are committed to helping our providers spend less time on tasks and more time providing outstanding care. Call us today at 1-844-202-0117 or email our team at

You can also find additional information on our website, click here.

Current or interested brokers, we're here to provide resources and tools to aid you in selling and fostering relationships with your individual and family plan members. For support please call our team at 844-459-6648 or email at

You can also find more information available to you on our website here.