Electronic HIPAA Transactions
According to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996, conducting certain transactions “electronically” are subject to the HIPAA regulations. In addition to or instead of paper EOPs, many providers prefer to receive and post their payments via our 835 HIPAA transactions, which is available through our third-party administrator.
Sign up for InstaMed
Medicaid claim payments through InstaMed
We are currently making payments for Medicaid claims through InstaMed. Please use the links below to sign up for EFT/ERA enrollment with InstaMed.
If you are already signed up through InstaMed you do not need to register again. In order to receive electronic payments, each provider TIN and NPI needs to be registered. If a provider does not sign up for InstaMed a paper check and paper EOP will be sent.
Providers are encouraged to use the online registration solution, however providers can also contact InstaMed’s network development team at 866-945-7990 to register.