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Manage Diabetes

Management Tips

Here is a list of things that will help you stay healthy and manage your diabetes:

  • Manage your diabetes ABC's
  • See your doctor at least twice a year or more often if your doctor asks
  • Get a flu shot each year
  • Have your doctor check your feet for cuts, blisters or swelling at each visit
  • Make healthy food choices (a diabetes educator or dietitian can help you plan meals)
  • Be physically active every day - check with your doctor before starting a new exercise program
  • Test your blood sugar at home as often as your doctor tells you
  • Take the medicine your doctor gives you even if you feel well (ask your doctor or nurse if you have questions about any of your medicine)
  • Quit smoking (talk to your doctor or contact the Quit Line at 1-800-784-8669)
  • Have a dilated (eye drops) eye exam each year
  • Have a urine (pee) protein test each year to be sure your kidneys are working well

To help you stay healthy, print out the My Diabetes Plan health card to track your diabetes care. Be sure to take this card to all your health care visits.

Diabetic Resources

Here are some additional resources to help you manage your diabetes. For more information about managing your diabetes, speak with our Health Program team directly at 414-266-3173.