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How to Qualify

Open enrollment occurs between November 1 through December 15, 2022.

During this time, individuals and families can enroll in health insurance coverage. However, if you do not enroll during this period, there are special enrollment periods where specific qualifying events allow you to enroll in a health insurance plan.

Special Enrollment Periods (SEP)

You may be eligible for a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) outside of the yearly Open Enrollment period if you experience certain Qualified Life Events (QLEs). If you qualify for a SEP, you have up to 60 days from your QLE to enroll in a new plan. If you miss this window, you will be required to wait until the next annual Open Enrollment period to enroll.

You will be required to provide documentation and proof of your Qualified Life Event.

  • For Off-Exchange plans, this documentation will be collected at the time of application by the CCHP Sales Team or your licensed insurance broker. If you are applying for an On-Exchange plan, you will be required to send this documentation to the Marketplace directly.

Follow this guide to determine if you are eligible for a Special Enrollment Period. If you have experienced any of the following in the last 60 days, you may be eligible to enroll in a plan.

Changes in household include:

  • Got married
  • Had a baby, adopted a child, or had a child placed for foster care.
    • Your coverage start date is the date of the event.
  • Got divorced or legally separated and lost health insurance.
    • Divorce or legal separation without losing coverage does not qualify you for an SEP.
  • Death of a family member.
    • You are eligible for an SEP if you are no longer eligible for your current health insurance plan as a result of someone on that plan passing away.

Changes in residence

Loss of health insurance coverage

  • Loss of employer coverage
    • Involuntarily losing employer coverage through your own employer, your spouse’s employer, or your parent / guardian’s employer within the last 60 days.
    • Voluntarily dropping your coverage does not qualify you or your family for an SEP.
  • Loss of individual coverage
    • Involuntarily losing an individual health insurance plan you bought because the plan is being discontinued.
    • Losing eligibility for a student health plan.
    • Losing eligibility for a plan because you no longer live in the plan’s service area.
    • Important: Losing individual coverage does not qualify you for an SEP if you voluntarily dropped your coverage, did not pay your monthly premiums, or if you lose Marketplace coverage because you did not return the required documents in time.
  • Loss of Medicaid or CHIP
    • Losing eligibility for Medicaid / CHIP because your household income is too high to qualify for benefits any longer.
    • Losing eligibility for pregnancy or medically-needed Medicaid.
    • Aging off of CHIP
  • Loss of Medicare
    • You are no longer eligible for premium-free Medicare Part A.
    • You are not eligible for an SEP if you lose Medicare Part A due to non-payment, or if you only lose Medicare Parts B, C, or D.
  • Aging off a parent's plan
    • Once you turn 26 (or the maximum age allowed) and can no longer be on your parent’s health insurance plan.

    Other qualifying changes

    • Gaining member in a federally recognized tribe or status as an Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) Corporation Shareholder.
    • Gaining eligibility to purchase a Marketplace plan, because you became a U.S citizen.
    • Leaving incarceration.
    • AmeriCorps State and National, VISTA, NCCC members starting or ending their service.

    For additional information, or to see if you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period please contact our Sales team at 844-708-3837. You may also visit the Federally Facilitated Marketplace at for more information regarding Qualified Life Events and Special Enrollment Periods.