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Plan Authorizations

To learn more about specific plan coverage, limitations and authorization requirements, visit the specific plan pages for BadgerCare Plus (BC) or Individual and Family Plans (IFP) using the links to the right. 

Important: Chorus Community Health Plans has an updated Telehealth Policy in response to COVID-19. Please view the policy here.

Policies and Guidelines

Chorus Community Health Plans will not reconsider services, procedures and inpatient stays that we have not received notification for from the provider. Providers are required to notify CCHP within 24 hours of an inpatient admission, and prior authorize elective services and/or procedures prior to providing services. Please reference your provider agreement regarding inpatient admissions for more details.

Please attach clinical to the request within 24 hours. Without clinical to review for medical necessity, your request for services may be denied.

You may contact the UM department from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday at 414-266-4155. Messages are confidential and may be left 24 hours per day. Communications received after normal business hours will be responded to on the following business day.

  • We recommend that you check each day for authorizations that are in the draft status and have not been submitted
  • CCHP will not be notified until the authorization has been submitted
  • You can check by filtering the submission status to draft

Need help?

Call the following help lines if you need assistance, or have questions and concerns about an authorization.

  • Medicaid line: 414-266-4155
  • Individual and Family Plans: 414-266-6715

Call the Portal line for assistance with the portal:

  • Provider Portal: 414-266-4522